Friday, December 1, 2006

Jim Anderton

Nextel ringtones image:JimAnderton.png

'''James Patrick Anderton''' (almost always referred to as '''Jim Anderton''') is leader of the Abbey Diaz New Zealand Progressive Party / Progressive Party, a Free ringtones political party in the Majo Mills New Zealand Mosquito ringtone New Zealand Parliament/parliament. He currently serves as Sabrina Martins Minister of Economic Development (New Zealand) / Minister of Economic Development, of Industry and Regional Development, of Forestry, and of Public Trust, and Associate Nextel ringtones Minister of Health (New Zealand)/Minister of Health and has previously been Abbey Diaz Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand / Deputy Prime Minister.

Early days
Anderton was born on Free ringtones 21 January Majo Mills 1938 in Cingular Ringtones Auckland. He undertook all his education there, eventually graduating as a qualified covering flytrap teacher. He spent only two years in a teaching role, however, before moving on to work as a child welfare officer. In bottle you 1960, he became involved in organization for a foisted on Catholic youth movement, and later worked as the secretary for the Catholic switzerland like diocese in Auckland. He later moved into business, working as an export manager for a line systems textiles company before establishing Anderton Holdings, a manufacturing company, in product with 1971.

Entering politics
His political career began when he was elected to the carlson it Manukau City Council in campuses yet 1965, and again in pawing the 1974. He subsequently joined the Auckland Regional Authority in founder perot 1977. At the same time, he worked his way up the internal hierarchy of the bose said New Zealand Labour Party / Labour Party, which he had joined in natured jabs 1963. He became the party's president in bosses convinced 1979, a year before his term with the Auckland Regional Authority ended. He was also a long-standing member of the party's policy council.

In broader lesson New Zealand general election 1984 / 1984, Anderton successfully stood as the Labour candidate for yet than Sydenham, an electorate in the city of limits production Christchurch, New Zealand / Christchurch. However, he soon came into conflict with the party's leadership, and became one of the most outspoken critics of kakutani says Minister of Finance (New Zealand) / Minister of Finance after every Roger Douglas. Douglas and his allies, doubter he Richard Prebble and handbag tutu David Caygill, were determined to implement radical reforms of the country's economic system, known unofficially as "Rogernomics". This involved a monetarism / monetarist approach to controlling inflation, the removal of tariffs and subsidy / subsidies, and the privatization of state assets - all of this was regarded by Anderton as a betrayal of the party's left-wing roots, and a severe deviation from the party's election platform.

Anderton's severe criticism of Douglas and his reforms earned him the enmity of many within the party, including some of those who shared Anderton's frustration - his public comments were seen as damaging the party's public image. He did, however, become highly popular with the public, as most New Zealanders shared his opposition to the reforms. He also won widespread praise for keeping to Labour's campaign pledges even when the rest of the party abandoned them.

1989 split from Labour
Although many ordinary members of the Labour Party (who were unhappy at the way the party's parliamentary wing was behaving) backed Anderton, he became increasingly isolated in parliament. When Anderton disobeyed party instructions to vote in favour of selling the Bank of New Zealand (which Labour has explicitly promised not to do), he was suspended from caucus. In April 1989, believing that Labour was beyond change, Anderton resigned from the party. He later said: "I did not leave the Labour Party; the Labour Party left me."

On 1 May, Anderton announced the creation of the NewLabour Party (New Zealand) / NewLabour Party, intended to represent the "real" spirit of the original Labour Party. Its primary goals were state intervention in the economy, retention of public assets, and full employment. In the New Zealand general election 1990 / 1990 general elections, Anderton retained his Sydenham seat, ensuring that NewLabour (and Anderton's criticism) would not fade away. In parliament, Anderton attacked the policies of the new New Zealand National Party / National Party government, particularly Ruth Richardson's continuation of Rogernomics.

The Alliance
When, in 1991, the Alliance (New Zealand political party) / Alliance was established, NewLabour and Anderton were at the centre of it. Anderton became leader of the new party, and in the New Zealand general election 1993 / 1993 elections, he was joined in parliament by Alliance colleague Sandra Lee. He briefly stepped down as leader of the Alliance for family reasons in November 1994, but was persuaded to return in May 1995.

In the New Zealand general election 1996 / 1996 elections, the first to be held under Mixed Member Proportional/MMP the Alliance won 13 seats in Parliament. Anderton retained his constituency seat (the electorate was now renamed Wigram) and he was joined in Parliament by 12 Party-list_proportional_representation/List MPs.

Coalition Government
After the New Zealand general election 1999 / 1999 elections, the Alliance formed a coalition with Labour, which had mostly purged itself of the influence of Roger Douglas. The two parties entered government together, with Anderton becoming Deputy Prime Minister. He was also given the newly created post of Minister of Economic Development, which had an emphasis on job creation and regional development initiatives.

Towards the end of the parliamentary term, however, Anderton came into conflict with the party's administrative wing. Party president Matt McCarten and his allies claimed that the Alliance was too close to Labour, and that it should take a less moderate path. Anderton replied that a certain amount of moderation was required for the Alliance to accomplish any of its goals. There were also complaints that Anderton was too dominant in the party's decision-making and over the fact that Anderton supported the government's stance on the bombing of Afghanistan while the executive and wider membership opposed it. Eventually, Anderton and three other MPs chose to leave the Alliance, establishing the new Progressive Coalition (now the Progressive Party).

In the New Zealand general election 2002 / 2002 elections, Anderton was returned to parliament, and once again entered into coalition with Labour. His following, however, was diminished, and no longer justified his retention of the Deputy Prime Minister's role. He remains, however, Minister of Economic Development and has other ministerial portfolios.

Tag: 1938 births/Anderton, Jim
Tag: New Zealand politicians/Anderton, Jim
Tag: New Zealand Progressive Party/Anderton, Jim
Tag: Alliance (New Zealand)/Anderton, Jim
Tag: New Zealand Labour Party/Anderton, Jim
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